This month’s reads - October
I only able to fit in 3 book reads this month. Mainly because I disliked one so much that it took me forever to read it. But, on the plus side... I started an amazing trilogy at the end of the month!
This Month’s reads - September
I unfortunately did not hit my monthly reading goal in the month of September due to us traveling to Greece for 2 weeks. I however did get to squeeze in 3 great books in the mists of all the travel chaos, thanks to 22 hour travel days!
This Month’s Reads - August
I have officially jumped on the band wagon of romance novel reading, and I can officially say that I am obsessed. It has been such a nice escape to take some time to myself each night after the kids go to bed and read. I recently bought a Kindle which I am also in love with.
HOW TO: Modern Farmhouse Playhouse
For my daughter’s 2nd birthday, my husband and I decided to get her a playhouse for the backyard. I’ve seen a lot pictures on Instagram of people jazzing up different standard playhouses to match their esthetic and home. So obviously, I totally wanted to do it too!
Hello Fresh Review
Hello Fresh is a weekly meal delivery service. You can pick how many different recipes and servings you would like to be sent each week. You can modify your meal preferences such as no meat, calorie smart, family friendly, etc.
Current Amazon Favorites
Amazon has become my go-to for EVERYTHING. Did you know they started selling some pretty bomb clothes on Amazon????? Cause they did. And they're great.
How To: Mickey Mouse Birthday Theme
This past weekend, we had my daughters first birthday party. And it was (of course) the theme of her all time favorite show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse... And it was ADORABLE! I had so many questions on social media on where I got everything, that I figured I would do a whole blog post on how I created it so some of you could recreate it for your little one!